Sometimes you may want to ask a question to the entire course staff or maybe you want to ask a question to your classmates anonymously. Discord normally doesn't have this functionality so we've built it into Sage. Asking both private and anonymous questions is quick and easy to do. To send both private and anonymous questions, you'll need to send Sage a Direct Message (DM). To do this, find Sage in the members list or in any message Sage has sent and right click (or tap and hold on mobile) Sage's username. You can then select the message option and you will be brought to a DM with Sage.

Asking Private Questions

You can use the /private command followed by any question and Sage will open a thread with your course staff for any further discussion. If you are enrolled in more than one course on the server, you will need to add the course code after the word private. No one but course staff will be able to see the question you asked. Asking a private question looks like this:

Running the private command with the "question" argument "What's the difference between an Array and an ArrayList" and the "course" argument 181.

Once the staff have seen your question, they can respond to you in the thread Sage opened.

If you wish to ask a similar question or reply to the staff members message in any way, simply reply in the same thread!

Sending Anonymous Questions

You can use the /anonymous command followed by any question and Sage will send that question to your course's general channel. If you are enrolled in more than one course on the server, you will need to add the course code as an argument to the command. Asking an anonymous question looks like this:

Running the anonymous command with two arguments, the "question": "Why do we use pointers" and the "course": "210"

If you would like to continue the conversation anonymously, you can simply use the /reply command with the question ID and your response, then Sage will send your response to your courses general channel:

Using the reply command with the questionID '9245' and response 'I still don't get it, could you link docs?'